A Cross-sectional Study on the Role of Community Pharmacists in Diabetic Patient Counselling and Health Education Services
Dunia Osman Shire
Faculty of Medicine, Somali National University, SomaliaPravinkumar Vishwanath Ingle
Department of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, IMU University, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaAnil Tumkur Mruthyunjaya
SDM College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, SDM University, Dharwad, Karnataka, IndiaPalanisamy Sivanandy
Department of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, IMU University, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaAbstract:
Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the role of community pharmacists in patient-centered activities and health education services for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and to identify the barriers involved in the process of health education services. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in the Klang Valley involving 254 community pharmacists. Data collection was done by a self-administered questionnaire. Results: Out of 254 participants, most of the pharmacists were females (n=163; 64.2%), of Chinese ethnicity (n=218; 85.8%) and possessed a bachelor’s degree (n=211; 83.1%). Most of the pharmacists attended to counsel patients mainly on the diabetic diet (n=252; 99.2%), diet management (n=249; 98.0%), timing and administration of medications (n=245; 96.5%), weight control (n=242; 95.3%), symptoms and treatment of hypoglycaemia (n=236; 92.9%) and foot care (n=205; 80.7%). The pharmacists identified the common concerns of diabetic patients as retinopathy (n=248; 97.7%) and nephropathy (n=246; 96.9%). Conclusion: The most identified barriers involved in the process of health education services were the cost of counselling, diabetic diet-related services, and patients’ experience with the side effects of medications. A well-structured periodical training is required to equip community pharmacists to deliver these specialised services effectively for better patient care.
Barriers, Community Pharmacy, Complications, Diabetes, Health Education,.Editor
Abbreviation Title
Rev Diabet Stud