The Review of Diabetic Studies

Author Fees

The Review of Diabetic Studies – Publication Charge Page

Author Fees

The Review of Diabetic Studies is an Open Access Journal, which implies that all the readers from round corners of the world will be able to access the full text of the manuscripts published by the Journal. Hence, there is a publication charge for all articles accepted for publication. This fee will have to be paid post the peer review process and upon acceptance of the article for publication. This fee includes orchestrating the vet, editing and archiving of manuscripts. This fee includes typesetting of tables, figures, and/or appendices.

Copy editing of submitted manuscripts is limited in-house. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their manuscript’s English language, and if English is not their first language, they should have their manuscript proofread. If a manuscript requires extensive linguistic editing, the corresponding author will be notified.

Article Publication Charges:

$1000: For all articles with up to 5 tables and figures. This includes English Language Editing (Grammar Proofing). All the articles published by the journal will undergo the Language Editing process. Post the acceptance of an article for publication, grammar proofing will be done to each manuscript ensuring the quality of the language that is being used in the documentation.
$700: For all articles with up to 5 tables and/or figures. This does not include English Language Editing (Grammar Proofing).  Authors will need to get this language editing done by the Language Editing Services and resubmit the revised article post the acceptance of an article. The resubmitted article will be considered for formatting according to the Journal’s format.

Additional Charges:

$50: For articles with more than 5 tables and figures, $50 additional charge will be calculated according to the number of additional tables.

Possible Publication Charge Breakdown:

An article with 8 tables, 5 figures and opting in grammar proofing, the total publication charge would be, 
$1150 which includes:
$700 for Article Publication Charges, $300 for Grammar Proofing, and $150 for additional 3 tables.

An article with 2 tables, 6 figures and opting in grammar proofing, the total publication charge would be, 
$1050 which includes:
$700 for Article Publication Charges, $300 for Grammar Proofing, and $50 for an additional figure.

An article with 5 tables, 5 figures and opting out grammar proofing, the total publication charge would be, 
$1000 which includes:
$700 for Article Publication Charges, $300 for Grammar Proofing.

For more information, please write to us at rds (at)


Demosthenes Panagiotakos

Abbreviation Title

Rev Diabet Stud



Bibliographic Listings

Abstracted and Indexed in