Editorial Submission Principles
Scope of publication:
Submission of Manuscripts:
Three copies of the original manuscript should be sent to:
Lab & Life Press
10, ANSON ROAD #22-02
SINGAPORE (079903)
or a text file should be attached when using the electronic online submission (closed). The manuscript must be written in English (US style) and should be accompanied by a cover letter. Submission of a paper is held to imply its contents represent original or unpublished work, and that it has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. If the author has submitted related work elsewhere or does so during the term in which The RDS Editorial Board is considering the manuscript for publication, then the author is responsible for providing The RDS with details.
Referee Procedure and Publication:
Copyright Agreement:
In the case of publication, the authors convey the right to publish the manuscript to the Lab & Life Press. To this end the following declaration must appear on the last page of the manuscript: “On behalf of all co-authors of the manuscript on hand (insert title of article here), we ensure that the content represents original or unpublished work and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. We also ensure that all authors named on the title page of this manuscript have contributed to the article’s development and have approved the finally submitted version. On behalf of all co-authors, we transfer the right to publish the manuscript in print and online (in parts or as a whole) to the publisher (the Lab & Life Press) and allow publication and storage in third party repositories (such as Medline, PubMed etc.), should the manuscript be accepted for publication. We retain the right to use the article for further purposes even after publication in The RDS. We assure to refer to the RDS (i.e. the Lab & Life Press) as the publisher of the original article in any cases of further utilization. The sender of the manuscript on hand declares upon submission that all co-authors have read and approved this declaration and that they agree that the declaration is effective upon submission to The RDS Editorial Board.”
The declaration does not need to be signed when you submit your manuscript. In the case of acceptance, a copyright agreement form containing the same wording as the declaration above must be signed by all co-authors and sent by post to The RDS Editorial Office before publication. Download the form for the copyright agreement here. The copyright remains with the authors as long as the manuscript is not accepted for publication. The right to use the results presented in the article for purposes other than publishing (e.g. patent licensing, commercial use, further publication etc.) remains with the author(s) even after publication in The RDS. This policy expresses the society’s and the editors’ intention to appreciate the authors’ right to retain their intellectual property. However, in all cases of further utilization the author(s) are obliged to identify The RDS as the publisher of the original article. Any utilization by others than the author(s) of the original article requires the written permission of the Lab & Life Press as the copyright holder and publisher of The RDS.
Manuscript Preparation:
Specific instructions on the form in which the manuscript should be prepared can be found here. The manual describes how text, footnotes, references etc. should be prepared and explains editorial policy regarding style, standards of craftsmanship and requirements on laboratory experiment descriptions. The submission and review process for both the authors and referees will be facilitated if all submitted manuscripts conform to these guidelines. The RDS considers the following types of paper for publication:
Original full-length research manuscripts (clinical trials, laboratory research, etc.)
Short papers of original work
Review articles
Letters to the editors
Case reports
Reports on conferences, lectures, workshops etc.
A description of how to prepare each type of article can also be found in the manual for manuscript preparation.
Declaration of Applied Principles:
Conflict of Interests:
Verifiability of Results:
The Editorial Board welcomes comments on articles that have appeared in The RDS. If you consider submitting a comment, send a copy to the author of the article you comment and explain that you are considering submitting a comment to The RDS. The author’s responses to the comment should be included with the submission of your comment to The RDS. Alternatively, authors may use the electronic submission form for comments on the DOD homepage. This ensures automatic notification of the author(s) of the original article. Comments accepted for publication in The RDS will also appear on the DOD homepage. The DOD online submission form for comments on published articles may be accessed by selecting/searching the relevant article in the directory first, starting at the DOD Homepage. Then click “view details of the article” in order to access the submission form for your comment. If an author does not respond to your letter after a reasonable amount of time, then this should be explained in the submission. The authors will be invited to submit for consideration a reply to any accepted comment of this kind.
Abbreviation Title
Rev Diabet Stud
Bibliographic Listings
- Elsevier - SCOPUS
- Excerpta Medica / EMBASE
- EBSCO (Relevant Databases)
- EBSCO Discovery Service
- Google Scholar
- Index Copernicus
- J-Gate
- ProQuest (Relevant Databases
- Publons
- PubMed/Medline
- PubMed Central (PMC)
- SCImago (SJR)
- Crossref